Naše poradenské tímy sú aktívne v rámci globálnych partnerstiev a networkov, vďaka čomu dokážeme držať prst na pulze najnovšieho vývoja a v kombinácii s inovatívnymi prístupmi ponúknuť osvedčené riešenia v stredoeurópskom regióne i mimo neho.
Medzi našich klientov patria medzinárodné spoločnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investori, privátne holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale aj verejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské tímy sa usilujú o vytváranie obojstranne výhodných partnerstiev a budovanie dlhodobých vzťahov.
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Seven trends influencing the hiring of leaders
Many consider Executive Search consulting to be a young profession. However, this is not the case. Its roots go back to the end of the 19th century, when innovations accompanying the so-called the second industrial revolution created a need for new leaders who can adapt to a changing environment and growing demands. And so it is to this day. Generational change, an unstable political climate, digitisation, etc. – there are many factors influencing the Executive Search world. Martin Krekáč presents seven key areas that have a high impact on how leaders are hired, what kind of leaders they are, and the kind of future they will create.