Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
National Reform Programs: Key to Successful Future of the European Project?
In the beginning of December 2005 the international conference entitled National Reform Programs: Key to Successful Future of the European Project? took place in Warsaw. The event was organized by the Gdansk Institute for Market Economics under auspices of British Presidency of European Union. The Prime Minister of Poland, Mr. Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz was the honorary guest of the Conference.
The conference was devoted to economic reforms in the EU after midterm review of the Lisbon Strategy. Special attention was paid to both the national reform agendas of selected countries as well as to the effectiveness at the EU level of the new economic reform governance system.
Conference Programme