Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
Consultants and Experts
The consulting solutions are delivered by internal consulting teams, which are active within global partnerships and networks and are also part of the Jenewein Group's consulting platforms. In their work, they build on knowledge and respect for local and global contexts. Thanks to connection with our own analytical institute EPPP and the innovative network of top experts in other fields (BIN) we are able to satisfy the requirements of our clients no matter where they operate and deliver comprehensive, efficient and innovative solutions.

Tomáš Bereta
Partner Core Expertise:Legislative Monitoring and Reporting, Research and Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Framework, Political and Business Intelligence Gathering, Project Management, Legislation

Dávid Bielik
Account Executive Core Expertise:Legislative Monitoring and Reporting, Research and Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Framework, Political and Business Intelligence Gathering, National / EU Legislative Process

Lucia Erdelská
Research Consultant Core Expertise:Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Research & Analysis,
Candidate Relationship Management

Marek Hradílek
Partner Core Expertise:Investment Advisory,
Executive Search,
Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Leadership Assessment

Jana Karelová
Senior Special Advisor Core Expertise:Coaching,
Leadership Assessment

Lucie Kobelová
Senior Research Consultant Core Expertise:Candidate Relationship Management,
Repatriation of Slovak Executives Abroad,
Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Research & Analysis

Martin Krekáč
Chairman & Founding Partner Core Expertise:CEO, Board & Leadership Services,
Family Businesses & Offices,
Strategic Government Relations,
State Owned Enterprises,
Public & Social Sector

Patrícia Lofajová
Research Consultant Core Expertise:Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Research & Analysis,
Candidate Relationship Management

Michal Lukáč
Partner Core Expertise:Executive Search,
Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Management Consulting,
Research & Analysis

Rastislav Mackanič
Partner Core Expertise:Executive Search,
Private & Family Companies,
Executive Search,
CEO & Board,
Quality Client Service,
Research & Knowledge Management

Rastislav Madunický
Senior Special Advisor Core Expertise:Leadership Services,
Compensation & Benefits,
Performance Management,
Management Development

Ladislava Molnárová
Partner Core Expertise:Executive Search,
Executive Coaching,
Leadership Assessment,
Performance Management,
Talent Management

Mária Papanová
Research Consultant Core Expertise:Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Research & Analysis,
Candidate Relationship Management

Tara Swart
Senior Special Advisor Core Expertise:Executive Coaching,
Neuroscience Consultant

Erik Szedély
Account Manager Core Expertise:Legislative Monitoring and Reporting, Research and Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Framework, Political and Business Intelligence Gathering, Project Management, Legislation

Igor Šulík
Managing Partner Core Expertise:Leadership Services,
Executive Search,
Strategic Talent Acquisition,
Board Advisory,
Strategy Consulting

Matej Taliga
Partner Core Expertise:Family Businesses & Offices, Executive Search,
CEO & Board,
Quality Client Service,
Multinational Corporations

Andrea Vadkerti
Senior Special Advisor Core Expertise:Talent Dynamics,
Executive Coaching

Tereza Vamberská
Junior Research Consultant Core Expertise:Research & Analysis, Candidate Relationship Management,
Strategic Talent Acquisition, Repatriation of Czech Executives Abroad

Jana Zemanová
Senior Account Manager Core Expertise:Monitoring, Research and Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Framework, Political and Business Intelligence, National / EU Legislative Process, Competition Policy

Patrik Zoltvány
Senior Partner Core Expertise:Competition – Mergers and Anti-trust, Strategic Government Relations,
EU Decision Making and Legislation, National / EU Regulatory Policy and Framework