• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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Sme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou s globálnym dosahom, ktorá sa v rozpätí viac ako 30 rokov rozrástla na jednu z najznámejších a najčastejšie odporúčaných spoločností poskytujúcich na jednom mieste (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexné služby strategického líderstva, manažmentu a verejných politík.

Naše poradenské tímy sú aktívne v rámci globálnych partnerstiev a networkov, vďaka čomu dokážeme držať prst na pulze najnovšieho vývoja a v kombinácii s inovatívnymi prístupmi ponúknuť osvedčené riešenia v stredoeurópskom regióne i mimo neho.

Medzi našich klientov patria medzinárodné spoločnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investori, privátne holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale aj verejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské tímy sa usilujú o vytváranie obojstranne výhodných partnerstiev a budovanie dlhodobých vzťahov.

Viac >>

Články & štúdie

The Case for Contingent Governance


To cure weak corporate governance, new regulations and codes of best practices might be necessary, but they won't be sufficient. What is also required is the acknowledgment that governance has to continually adapt to changing conditions because a company, its management and business environment are forever evolving. As a result, corporate boards must adopt the right roles to reflect and shape those governance conditions.

Slovak Republic 2004


One of the most significant roles of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic is to develop activities that contribute to supporting the influx of foreign investment to Slovakia. Many business people that look for a convenient nation in which to invest often do not have or cannot find appropriate information about Slovakia that would assist them in their selection process.

Largest Search Firms in the World


At one time it was easy to categorize Executive Search firms as either an integrated firm or network. Then to of the integrated firms, Korn/Ferry and Heidrick & Sruggles, became public companies and commenced acquiring smaller private firms. TMP-also a public company-appeared, made substantial acquisitions, and then disappeared. Although much attention has been focused on this, the final chapter is yet to be written.

AESC Member/Client Survey: What is important to clients of executive search?


In our latest Member/Client survey, we asked clients to consider 17 different services or attributes of a retained executive search partner and rate their importance. We then asked AESC members to place themselves in their clients' shoes and rate the importance of the same items.

Úloha CEO vo vedení spoločnosti


Medzi skupinu ľudí s najvýznamnejším vplyvom na pokrok Slovenska od začiatku tranzitívneho procesu nesporne patria úspešní riaditelia. v priebehu augusta a septembra 2002 sa uskutočnil prieskum generálnych a výkonných riaditeľov (CEO) na Slovensku. Výsledky zverejnenej štúdie sprostredkujú obraz úspešného a eticky sa správajúceho CEO, manažérsku kultúru a Corporate Identity na Slovensku.

AESC Quarterly State of the Industry Statistics


This is the first in a new series of quarterly reports issued by the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) on statistics and trends in the global retained executive search industry. Data for this report is collected from a consistent sample of AESC member search fi rms and represents the activity of over 1,200 executive search consultants around the world.

Family Owned Business: The Magic Kingdom


Family owned businesses (FOBs) are a major driving force in today's marketplace, accounting for virtually 80% of all businesses worldwide. In fact, approximately 35% of the Fortune 500 are composed of family enterprises. FOBs account for 75% of US and European businesses, 80% of Latin American companies and more than 80% of Asian firms. A FOB is obviously a firm in which a family has a significant percentage of personal equity/estate invested in a business. These companies tend to prioritize family values in the management style and there is usually an extremely fine line between management and family.

Hospodárske výsledky AJG za rok 2003


Uplynulý rok opäť potvrdil, že poradenská skupina AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group úspešne napĺňa svoju misiu reprezentovanú ambíciou byť lídrom na trhu v poskytovaní poradenských riešení, ktoré sú pre jej klientov prínosom a impulzom dlhodobého rozvoja.

Slováci v konkurzoch do EÚ prepadli


Slováci boli v konkurzoch do úradov Európskej únie najslabší zo všetkých budúcich členov. Pravde to nezávisle na sebe potvrdili dva vysokopostavené zdroje v Bruseli.

Vzory testov do inštitúcií EÚ


Otestujte sa, ako ovládate problematiku EÚ. Poznáte jej inštitúcie, dôležité medzníky vývoja, zásadné dokumenty a osobnosti?