Naše poradenské tímy sú aktívne v rámci globálnych partnerstiev a networkov, vďaka čomu dokážeme držať prst na pulze najnovšieho vývoja a v kombinácii s inovatívnymi prístupmi ponúknuť osvedčené riešenia v stredoeurópskom regióne i mimo neho.
Medzi našich klientov patria medzinárodné spoločnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investori, privátne holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale aj verejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské tímy sa usilujú o vytváranie obojstranne výhodných partnerstiev a budovanie dlhodobých vzťahov.
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My v médiách
Hospodárske Noviny: Aký kabinet by potešil lobistov? Štedrý
Podnikatelia by v programovom vyhlásení vlády radi našli splnenie viacerých požiadaviek. Či sa tam nakoniec dostanú, je zatiaľ otázne. Splnenie všetkých prianí je totiž nad rámec rozpočtu, a tak vláda musí rozhodnúť, komu vyjde v ústrety a komu nie. Ako poznamenal Martin Krekáč, prezident Podnikateľskej aliancie Slovenska a spoluzakladateľ a vedúci partner poradenskej skupiny AJG-Amrop Jenewein Group, všetkým ministrom podnikatelia poslali listy. Niektoré zväzy chcú počkať s požiadavkami až na programové vyhlásenie vlády, iné poslali svoj list „prianí" už pred voľbami.
The Slovak Spectator: Slovak labour still attractive
Foreign investors attracted by
low labour costs in Slovakia, weak
mobility of Slovak labour and
groups of long term unemployed-
those are some of the current issues
of Slovakia's human resources
market. The Slovak Spectator asked HR
experts their opinion of how to tackle
these issues.
The Slovak Spectator: HR firms call on cabinet to keep market flexible
Most Slovak companies that
have experience with market
economies for a little more than a
decade have learned during the
past several years that the quality
of human resources is one of the
most important business assets
and a pillar of successful
business performance. Managers
have discovered that they should
not neglect maintaining and
developing new talents.
Business Slovakia: "Drops of support" for children
This year's Grand Prix Jenewein
taking place at TJ Karpatia show
jumping ground in Bratislava-Záhorská Bystrica was in spite of
rain and mud a successful event.
Bratislava Leaders Magazine: Café d'Europe
The challenges of becoming more prominent within the European framework as well as a proposal for revitalizing culture were presented and discussed at Café Roland in Bratislava. Prior to the discussion Slovak writers shared their views on the current status quo of Slovak culture.
Bratislava Leaders Magazine: Amrop Grand Prix Jenewein
Held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Slovak
Republic Mr. Mikuláš Dzurinda, the 8th year of the show
jumping competition Jenewein Grand Prix lured spectators
to the JK Karpatia premises. On this occasion,
representatives of Amrop Jenewein Group, Vontobel
and Jeep donated a nice amount to Linka Detskej
Istoty at the Slovak Commitee for UNICEF.
The Slovak Spectator: From big picture to brass tacks
"On the one hand, foreign
affairs representatives have to
improve the system for influencing
decision-making processes and
advocating our strategic interests
towards the EU, such as creating
effective broader structure
including people in EU institutions
and independent experts and
companies active in EU relations,”
said Martin Novotný, a founding
partner and the chairman of
international operations at the AJG-
Amrop Jenewein Group.
The Slovak Spectator: Interview with Peter Bachratý
We understood
after a couple of successful years in business
that if we and the whole business sector
wanted to be more professional, we had
to become involved in some kind of philanthropy,
something that would help to
create a better business and public administration
environment. We used our existing
European activities and our Brussels office
to work towards this goal.
Stratégie: Stratégie
Posledný májový víkend už tradične patril Veľkej cene Jenewein v parkúrovom jazdení, ktorá sa aj tento rok konala v areáli Jazdeckého klubu Karpatia v Bratislave-Záhorskej Bystrici.
Hospodárske Noviny: Nízka motivácia zamestnať sa a vysoké očakávania o kariére či výške platu
V rámci ankety o absolventoch, ktorá vyšla ako súčasť špecializovanej prílohy HN Ľudský kapitál, redakcia oslovila aj Martina Krekáča, spoluzakladateľa a vedúceho partnera AJG- Amrop Jenewein Group a prezidenta Podnikateľskej aliancie Slovenska.