Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
We in media
Týdeň.sk: Crisis: not everything is only bad
The increase in unemployment, businesses bankruptcies, and people having problems with mortgage payoffs. These will be in the upcoming month's titles in our newspapers and headlines in TV news. However, the economic crisis, which bottom especially in Slovakia still cannot be seen, has in addition to the prevailing negatives also a few pluses. On this topic gives his opinion for weekly .týdeň also Ivan Tomko, consultant at consultancy company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: Legend to the crisis
Martin Krekáč, Jenewein Group co-founder and president of Business Alliance of Slovakia, for the lifestyle magazine prečo nie?! (why not?!) which is a full-color supplement of daily Hospodárske noviny, in column Autoview tested the new car model Subaru Impreza 2.0 D Sport.
Sme: Loyal employees are laid off with grace
Companies are also at a time of economic crisis willing to pay from their own pockets for programmes that should help their ex-employees in searching for a new job. On the issue of outplacement success gives her opinion for supplement Kariéra (Career) in daily SME also Alexandra Lichvárová, senior manager in consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.
Hospodárske Noviny: What will the wise employer do
Outplacement is a sign of maturity and quality of an employer who had to dismiss some employees. It is added value, which can be provided to former employees. More on the use of this service, its quality and potential, for supplement źudský kapitál (Human Capital) of the daily Hospodárske noviny says Eva Slobodová, senior consultant in consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.
Finančný manaér: Today on up-to-date topic: Corporate Governance
Crisis sets serious questions, even dilemmas in minds. One of these is definitely the question whether tough control or harmony between the government interventions and enterprise freedom... The Corporate Governance principles, within the search for the right answers, are trying to be complex and flexible. This topic in detail is discussed in the interview for Finance Manager Magazine with Radomír Mako, Senior Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia and Vice-President of the Governing Board CECGA.
Pravda: Earnings dropped, it is time to return back home
Statistics confirm that more and more people return from abroad back to Slovakia-not only those who went abroad just to earn money, but also those who performed skilled and expert jobs there. What job opportunities are awaiting them at home, how do employers respond to them and what are the requirements of the both parties? These and other question answers Pavol Tóth, consultant of consultancy company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.
Euro Atlantic Quarterly: Any member of NATO and the EU is not immune to internal political corrosion today
North Atlantic Treaty Organization will in 2009 commemorate 60 years of its existence. Despite the fact that it is a stage of historical success of freedom and democracy and the success of the modern history of Europe, NATO has to find answers to some questions to continue in providing security and creating a stable space for the development of current and future members.
Slovenský rozhlas: From the first hand
On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the accession of Slovakia to NATO, Rastislav Káčer, president of Slovak Atlantic Commission and the chairman in a consultancy company FIPRA Slovakia, in the Slovak Radio show Firsthand remembers the "beautiful sunny day in Washington in which Slovakia became a member of NATO, "one of the most successful projects of modern European history".
urnál: Managers in crisis
Current news of the cuts in production and firing workers because of the economic crisis usually say nothing about what is happening with the management of the enterprise. However, it is certain that the crisis affects managers too. But as in an interview for the weekly urnál confirms Martin Krekáč, Co-owner of Jenewein Group, high-quality people are in the labour market still demanded and often leave Slovakia to solve problems connected with crisis even abroad.
Sme: How to find the right leader for the time of a crisis?
Current unstable economic situation is now for organizations more than ever a challenge and they must deal with leadership, to identify and to support the correct type of leaders who in both good and bad times stand in front and solve current problems. Igor ulík, Managing Partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, writes more about this topic in a supplement of daily SME Personálne poradenstvo (Personal consulting).