• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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Jsme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou s globálním dosahem, která se v rozmezí více než 30 let rozrostla na jednu z nejznámějších a nejčastěji doporučených společností poskytujících na jednom místě (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexní služby strategického líderství, managementu a veřejných politik.

Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.

Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.

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My v médiích

Hospodárske Noviny: Your value is the question of supply and demand


In regular section Cesta na vrchol (Way to the top) the daily Hospodárske noviny presented Mario Fondati, Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia. Former sportsman has begun as teacher of mathematics and physical education and he collected his experiences from business in several international companies...

Hospodárske Noviny: "I have a red diploma”/HN Jury assesses Daniel, who wants work as constructor


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became also Ivan Tomko, Senior Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: Im a technician/HN Jury assesses Matúš, who wants work in engineering industry


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became also Ivan Tomko, Senior Consultant of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: "State administration is a certainty”/HN Jury assesses Anna, who wants work in state administration


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became also Ladislava Chvostaľová, Manager of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: My heart pulls to form games/HN Jury assesses Lukáš, who wants work on the development of computer games


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became second time also Ladislava Chvostaľová, Manager of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: "I will spread the coffee!”/HN Jury assesses Ladislav, who wants to promote in the media


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became this time also Ladislava Chvostaľová, Manager of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: Two schools. But the vague job/HN jury assesses project manager Tomáš


Hospodárske noviny launched a new project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission, which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview, became Mario Fondati, Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: Lawyers have it harder by now/HN Jury assesses a future lawyer Ján


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became also Mario Fondati, Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.

Hospodárske Noviny: What lies ahead of the new Government

Patrik Zoltvány, Co-Founder & Senior Partner, FIPRA Slovakia

In another column for supplement Podnikanie (Enterprise) of the daily Hospodárske noviny Patrik Zoltvány, Senior Partner of consulting company FIPRA Slovakia, focused on the immediate steps that Iveta Radičová´s Cabinet will have to undertake in respect to its commitments pertaining to the EU membership.

Hospodárske Noviny: Communication entertains me/HN Jury assesses candidate Lukáš


Hospodárske noviny are continuing in a project Find a job with HN. Every week they publish one story of a candidate-fresh graduate-for a vacant position, his CV, picture, evaluation and his potential career path. Member of the commission which assesses prerequisites and chances of success on the labour market in a simulated interview became also Mario Fondati, Partner of the consulting company Amrop Slovakia.