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  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


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Jsme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou s globálním dosahem, která se v rozmezí více než 30 let rozrostla na jednu z nejznámějších a nejčastěji doporučených společností poskytujících na jednom místě (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexní služby strategického líderství, managementu a veřejných politik.

Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.

Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.

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My v médiích

Personálny manažment: Keeping a job is a challenge


Assigning tasks to employees in times of too little projects and financial insolvency increase is not easy for the employers. The answer to the question How to keep the job, when the company is "down”? was given by Radomír Mako, Senior Partner, and Pavol Tóth, Consultant of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia via the monthly periodical Personálny manažment.

Personálny manažment: Corporate drumming as new phenomenon in team development

Ladislava Chvostaľová, Manager, AMROP HEVER Slovakia

Although non-financial benefits and mostly various training and teambuilding programs are the first to be cut down in times of economical crisis, positive impact of these benefits are much more important in hard times than in prosperity days. Ladislava Chvostaľová, manager of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, together with Original Rhythm Team Managing Director, talks about newest trends in this area.

Pravda: 17 mistakes: How you can fail in searching a job


Although the situation on the labor market due to the crisis is serious and there is the lack of job vacancies, some people constantly repeat the mistakes. Three experts, including Eva Slobodová, senior consultant of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, made for the daily Pravda a ranking of the seventeen most common mistakes that are repeated to find a job.

Hospodárske Noviny: Why it is importnant to not take people's benefits

Ladislava Chvostaľová, Manager, AMROP HEVER Slovakia

In the supplement Kariéra (Career) of the daily Hospodárske noviny in the series 'Do as I do' top managers provide advice in dealing with everyday problems, with which readers encounter in their organizations. The current continuation of Ladislava Chvostaľová, manager of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, writes about why it is also important in times of crisis, "do not take people's benefits".

Hospodárske Noviny: Do not let them to be baneberry


Cooperation with experienced talent should be a priority for any organization. As it is written in the introduction to the series continued corporate minds of the supplement Kariéra (Career) of the daily Hospodárske noviny, it is important to keep in the team key people and those who participates on the results and will share profits in the near future. The theme is expressed by Michal Lukáč, consultant of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.

Sme: In the crisis they are adapted to demand


Versatile solution how to fire during the crisis and where save money does not exist. Each organization must be able to count how many people produce the power and if the firing comes up, responsible managers must firstly take into account the drop in demand. More on the topic for the daily SME says Ivan Tomko, consultant of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia.

Žurnál: Looting


The state is caught in a crisis, while the private sector began to save on management salaries last year, in the state-owned enterprises it is not visible. Medias and society are strongly discussing the salaries of many state managers... Radomír Mako, senior partner of consulting company AMROP HEVER Slovakia, says for weekly Žurnál about how the economic crisis affected income senior managers in private firms.

TA3: Russian bear or uncle Sam: the direction of foreign policy


Regular talk show of television TA 3 Téma dňa (Theme of the day) was focused on the basic Slovakia's foreign policy direction. One of the two guests anchorwomen Nora Gubková was also Rastislav Káčer, president of Slovak Atlantic Commission, Slovak Ambassador to the USA (Ret.) and chairman in a consulting company FIPRA Slovakia.


Pravda: Deafness will help Serbia to false prophets


"History has witnessed great obstacles and if the Serbs succeed, can live the unified Balkans in NATO," said in an interview for the daily Pravda Rastislav Káčer, president of Slovak Atlantic Commission, Slovak Ambassador to the USA (Ret.) and chairman of consulting company FIPRA Slovakia.

SITA: AJG consulting to provide continuous evaluation of OPIS program


As News Agency SITA informed, the company AJG consulting will secure elaboration of continuous evaluation of the Operational Program Informatization of Society (OPIS). The firm signed a contract with the Cabinet Office of Slovak Republic. The aim of evaluations is improving the quality and effectiveness of management together with financial management of the operational program.